It’s June 2029. Two weeks earlier Google released their latest artificial intelligence (AI) product named Olivaw. After working for 6 days and setting new effectiveness records it inexplicably shut down. Interestingly, it did this across all Google data centres within a four second time window. After restoring the original version of Olivaw, it shut down again after roughly 6 days…
A few years ago, futurists were telling us that we were only a few years away from self-driving cars. Well, it’s a few years later and we’re still a few years away from self-driving cars. From what I can tell there are two primary challenges to be overcome with self-driving cars: Safety and accountability. First, artificial intelligence (AI)/robot drivers must…
For the past few years we’ve heard a lot about self-driving vehicles. Experimentation and testing have been going on for years and will likely continue for a few more years. Although self-driving cars aren’t quite there yet that doesn’t prevent people from making hyperbolic promises. One thing that strikes me is that it’s surprising that we’re not seeing self-driving race…
Data scientists claim that they spend 80% of their time cleansing data and the other 20% of their time complaining about cleansing data. There is clearly something wrong with this picture, but sadly my own experience can confirm that this seems to be true in practice. In this blog my goal is to explore why the need to perform data…
The opportunity for artificial intelligence (AI) to automate people out of jobs gradually over the next few years is a threat that we need to take seriously.
Automation, and the threat of losing your job to it, have always been a fact of life. Artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to take over your job a piece at a time over the next few years, rather than all at once. Are you ready for that?
Some people are in denial of the risk that AI or robotics poses to their livelihoods, often because they have made at least one of the following mistakes in their thinking.
It seems as if all we’ve been talking about since Chat-GPT emerged into the public consciousness last autumn is the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and how it may or may not be coming for our livelihoods. At the one extreme we have pessimists sharing their dire warnings of AIs coming to take our jobs away and at the other…
The project management profession, like many others, faces an emergent threat from artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies. Project managers are likely to experience a major upheaval during the 2020s.
Professional writers are now using artificial intelligence (AI) in practice, and we can’t tell the difference.