PMI’s Disciplined Agile® Toolkit and Scott Ambler

Along with Mark Lines, I co-created the Project Management Institute (PMI)‘s Disciplined Agile® (DA) toolkit.

A Brief Timeline of Disciplined Agile

Here are key dates in the evolution of DA:

  • 2008. DA had its start at IBM Rational around 2008 as Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD).
  • 2012. In 2012 Mark and I founded Scott Ambler+Associates (eventually Disciplined Agile Inc., DAI) and Disciplined Agile Consortium (DAC) along with Louise Lines, to focus on evolving and applying DAD in practice.
  • 2014. IBM ceded complete ownership of DA to DAC.
  • 2019. Over time DAD evolved into DA and then in August 2019 PMI purchased DAI and DAC to obtain the DA toolkit. In September 2019 PMI purchased Net Objectives to obtain the incredible intellectual property (IP) developed by Al Shalloway and his team, in particular FLEX. Mark and I had the privilege of working with Al for two years to help integrate FLEX into PMI’s DA toolkit.
  • 2022. I served at PMI as their Vice President and Chief Scientist of DA until July 29, 2022.

Recommended DA Resources

I recommend the following DA resources:

Scott Ambler and Disciplined Agile

To be clear:

  • I believe in DA.
  • I wish PMI and its members all the best.
  • PMI owns DA and will continue to evolve it.
  • I am no longer be involved in the evolution of DA.
  • I will continue to apply DA concepts, and leverage publicly available DA material, where appropriate. You can do so too!
  • The DA toolkit should be applied by practitioners to improve their way of working (WoW). It is an incredible asset.
  • Toolkit is one word, not two. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

In short, although I have left PMI I have not left Disciplined Agile.

What I Am Focused On

I’ve decided to go back to my roots, which is helping people to improve their way of working (WoW) when it comes to data,  software architecture, and artificial intelligence (AI). You can read more about what I do and who I am.

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